Thursday, October 31, 2013

***SERIES 4 - SERIES 6***

 (4th Series)

            The word MARIA has historical meaning which form the wonder of power that has never been discovered by anyone on earth maybe because of material or earthly things that intervene in the minds of human beings. In this series, the vastness of that word through its unique power, one can claim a wonderful discovery which, however, needs trading and given prime thought by the whole human race that the word is full of miracles which have never been explained ever from the time the earth was populated by man.
            These five letters bear Godly power but was never uttered by God Himself but instead called it only GUMAMELA CELIS or flower. GUMAMELA CELIS or flower was fondly called “ROSA MUNDI ET ROSA CEILO” by God which means “flower of heaven and earth”. The word MARIA is MERIAM in Syrian language meaning “HIGHEST”. Those who practice cultism, they worshiped this with reverence, believed to be a powerful word knowing that same was recorded in the highest pillar of God’s knowledge. This word MARIA has this meaning: “M - MARIS, A – AMANTISIMO, R – REXSUM, I – IMPERATOR and A – ALTISIMA.”
            To spiritual beings, the word MARIA is the sweetest. It is worshiped by them with total respect because they know that it is the sum total of the power of Infinite God, and with power beyond compare. For this word MARIA, God dedicated this: “MAGNIFICAT ANIMA MEA DOMINUM AD DOMINUM CONTRABULALER RETRIBUE CERVOTOU TOU VIVEVEFEAME IN DEO SPERAVIT CORMEUM ATEDJUTSUS SUNT ADTE DOMINE LAVAME ANIMA MEAM.”
            The first thing God did was to endeavor for the creation of vital elements needed to make heaven, earth and others in order to form what is called universe. Following this, God put to work His plan to create 24-Elders that will assist Him in all His plans. After a while, God uttered: “AGAHAC JIRIUM JIURJITNUM JIURJITSUM JACJAHAHAC ROSOTAC YOPALUM MEDERAT WHEHATISET CORPUS SIOMBENET,” and afterwards, suddenly appeared tiny particles of sweat on His right forehead and He gathered them with His right middle finger, and these particles of sweat became 16 spirits that partly resembled the image of the Infinite God. The Infinite God, in the process of creating the 24-Elders, also uttered the following: “LUCJINUM” and soon after that there appeared tiny particles of sweat on His left forehead, gathered them with His left middle finger and these became eight (8) spirits that also resembled the face of Infinite God, and finally through this miraculous event, the 24-Elders was completed.
            These 24 spirits were the Helpers of Infinite God in His creation of the whole universe and man. In the Book of Genesis 1:26, God has said: “AND NOW WE WILL MAKE HUMAN BEINGS; THEY WILL BE LIKE US AND RESEMBLE US.” This proves that the Infinite God was not alone when He created man, but it is not clear in the Holy Bible as to how and who were with Him during the creation of man, and that is why even from the start of the early part of the Holy Bible alone there were disagreements already among the religious sects and also among the believers in cultism simply because this issue is beyond their comprehension and perception. Nevertheless, it does not mean that there is more than one God. The 24-spirits were there only to help God in His creation work.
            For the ancient people and whoever followed the doctrine of cultism, the names of God’s right and left middle fingers used by Him in gathering the particles of sweat on His forehead that turned into 24 spirits bore extraordinary power which according to their usual belief and practice, once one knows these names he will not suffer hardships and difficulties in his second life, a reason why those names were kept secret among them from the time same were revealed by God. However, during these days, it is now time to reveal them for the people to know the perfect truth. The name of God’s right middle finger is MEPHENAI while the left is JPHATON. It is written in the history of Esoteric Knowledge that whoever is in possession of these words will be recognized by God in the coming days.
            God gave the 24 spirits their individual responsibility. One was given the task of making the design of sun. The second was given the responsibility of making the design of the moon. The 3rd to the 8th spirits did not accept any responsibility. They only wandered inside and outside the universe. The 9th to the 15th are those that compose the Seven Arc Angels who are the spiritual warriors of God. The 16th was LUCIFER who became the enemy of God and the righteous and all the people on earth.
            The 17th to the 21st likewise did not accept any responsibility. According to history, when Jesus Christ got hear Him supposedly to receive baptism but were late because the Lord Jesus Christ had died at that very moment when they got near. The last three spirits were those assigned by God to compose the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The aforementioned father does not stand for God the Father or Infinite God. The mentioned father stands only as father of all. As father, he was given the task to make the design of the planet earth where we now dwell on. As Son, he has task of leading the people in a way that they will not forget God and for people who belief and follow Him to attain salvation. The Holy spirit has the task of ruling all the guardian angels of all the people on this earth and he also takes charge of the righteous ones.

 (5th Series)

            Holy Trinity (Santisima Trinidad) is not written in the Holy Bible. However, in Mathew 28:19, this is what Jesus Christ had said: “GO, THEN, TO ALL PEOPLES EVERYWHERE AND MAKE THEM MY DISCIPLES: BAPTIZE THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.” Under this verse, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to baptize the people in the name of the Holy Trinity but the Holy Bible is silent as to what are their names. In the Esoteric Knowledge, there are multiple names of the Three Persons, like: ARAM – name of the Father, AKDAM – son and AKSADAM – Holy Spirit; ADRA – Father, MADRA – Son and ADRADAM – Holy Spirit. Among the religious sects, they mention ALELUYA in praising and giving thanks to the Lord God. This word is just one of the many other names of Holy Trinity, and this was derived from AL EL UYA which means name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Owing to this, debates come into play among the religious sects and each of them have their own stand but up to this time the issue remains without final and exact answer. There are religious sects that believe in Holy Trinity while others do not. For those who believe, Holy Trinity is one God in Three Persons. Research will show that the so called Three Persons does not go beyond one person. There is only one son and He is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible does not say that there is person in God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. So, if we think of it brilliantly, Holy Trinity has only one person – Lord Jesus Christ. However, among the believers and followers in cultism, they believe that Holy Trinity are also god but not “Holy Trinity” but as close followers of God and they are god also. In the bible Psalms 136:2, we read: “GIVE THANKS TO THE GREATEST OF ALL “gods”; His love is eternal”. We can see that there is the word god written in small letters. These gods are the spirits that are close followers or Helpers of God in all His work including the Holy Spirit and also the persons on earth who are respected and recognized as god by their followers, like Moses, King David, King Solomon and several others. In Revelation 17:14, we read: “THEY WILL FIGHT AGAINST THE LAMB; BUT THE LAMB, TOGETHER WITH HIS CALLED, CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS, WILL DEFEAT THEM, BECAUSE HE IS LORD OF “lords” AND KING OF “kings”. IT IS WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN LAW THAT GOD SAID, ‘you are ‘gods’. WE KNOW THAT WHAT THE SCRIPTURE SAYS IS TRUE FOREVER; AND GOD CALLED THOSE PEOPLE ‘gods’, ALSO THE PEOPLE TO WHOM HIS MESSAGE WAS GIVEN.” Based on this, most believers in cultism believe that really there is only one “GOD”. However, there are many gods and goddesses like their own respective lord on earth to whom God entrusted His message. It started at this point when believers in cultism believe that their supreme leader or ruler is also god and no one can blame them.
            Additionally, it was written in Revelation 1:5 which reads: “AND FROM JESUS CHRIST, THE FAITHFUL WITNESS, THE FIRST-BORN SON, WHO WAS RAISED FROM DEATH AND WHO IS ALSO THE RULER OF THE “kings” OF THE WORLD”. It is clear that there is not one Lord alone and there is not one King alone, but there is only one KING and there is only one LORD on this earth. However, the said God of gods is no other than our beloved Father Infinite God, He who had no beginning and no determinate ending.

 (6th Series)

            Soon after the creation of 24-Elders, each one of them were given their individual names, which, according to hidden history, they bear miraculous power and whoever knows them here on earth is lucky in the spiritual world. Their names are: UPHMADAC, ABONATAC, ELIM, BORIM, BICAIRIM, PERSALUTIM, MITIM, AMALEY, ALPACOR, AMACOR, ALPALCO, ALCO, ARAGO, AZARAGDE, LUXBEL, ISTAC, INATAC, ISLALAO, TARTARAO, SARAPAO, MAGUGAB, MAIAGOB and MAGOB. These were the names that were revealed to those who study the hidden or esoteric knowledge of God. Aside from these names, there are more others. In every creation that took place, the 24-Elders had their new names.
            Among the tasks of 24-Elders is to keep watch every hour of each day. The first watch (UPHMADAC) is at 1:00 o’clock A.M. and every hour thereafter until each one of them shall have partaken and completed the 24 hours according to their number. They also watch every act of man, be it right or wrong, that is why man cannot hide his sins to the Lord God.
            In the latter part of the Holy Bible, in the Book of Revelation, 24-Elders is mentioned in 11:16: “THEN THE 24-ELDERS WHO SIT ON THEIR THRONES IN FRONT OF GOD THREW THEMSELVES FACE DOWNWARD AND WORSHIPED GOD.” Esoteric history reveals that the 24-Elders always gather intact around the Infinite God. They are covered with multiple mysteries which no one can ever perceive even by the mind in earthly study.


 1. UPHMADAC. – This is the first of the 24-Elders. Aside from being the assigned watch every 1:00 o’clock A.M. he was the one who made the design of the sun according to the instructions of Infinite God. He prepared multiple designs and presented them to his companions and the Lord God from which they chose the shape and form of the sun, which now gives light to the earth at day time from then on to the present day and the coming days.          
2.  ABONATAC. – This is the second spirit. He had the task of making the design of the moon that now gives us light during night time. Similar to what UPHMADAC did, ABONATAC prepared various designs and presented them to his companions and the Infinite God and they agreed to the shape and form of the moon that we see every now and then.
      3.        ELIM      
      4.        BORIM
      5.        MORIM              
      6.        BICAIRIM
      7.        PERSALUTIM    
      8.        MITIM

            These spirits did not accept any responsibility or work to do. They just wandered inside and outside the earth. However, they remained close and faithful followers of Infinite God and they perform their watch duty according to their designated watch time or number.
9. AMALEY. – He is the head and first minister among the warrior Arc Angels. He is known as Angel Michael especially among the believers in cultism. He is in-charge and depended upon in war against the bad spirits or demons to maintain peace and order in heaven and earth.

            Michael (AMALEY) is the assigned watch at 9:00 o’clock each morning. Aside from that, he is the assigned guard on the first day of every week which is Sunday. In the hidden history, Angel Michael is the one whom to be called for protection from accidents or untoward incidents or danger.

            In the Philippines, many people believe in Arc Angel Michael. They are either believers in cultism or those belonging to religious sects. Many Catholic Churches, big and small, celebrate the feast of angel Michael which is in the month of September, during which they do many things or festivities that are pleasing to their idle warrior of God. Among the believers in cultism, they do some acts of devotion for salvation especially during times of war. They have numerous Latin words which they use or utter for success during fights, believed to have come from Saint Michael. Saint Michael also serves as God’s messenger in the whole world. The following are the contact words or calling for Saint Michael: ESTO MIHI BALTEUS ET DA MIHI PRODEO ET IN DEO MORI.

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