Thursday, October 31, 2013

***SERIES 22 - SERIES 24***

 (22nd Series)

          During the birth of Jesus Christ, in the East which is far away from Jerusalem, there lived the three kings. They had the wisdom and with deep knowledge about the hidden knowledge of God and each had their individual organization. As organization leaders, they taught their members about the hidden knowledge entrusted to them by the Lord.
          These three kings had their organizations located in different places. One night these three kings saw a new star that shone with very delighting light very much different from others. Through the hidden knowledge, these three kings perceived that the star they saw was a sign that the Mesiah of the whole world was born. Soon afterwards, they rode on camel and they brought their individual offering. To their surprise, they met on the way because of the star that each of them followed. When they arrived in Jerusalem, the star that they followed suddenly disappeared.
          They asked every person they met as to the whereabouts of the newborn king of Judea. King Herod came to know about what the three kings had said, and he was worried about the fact that there was a king that will overthrow his kingdom.
          King Herod called for a meeting all the Pharisees and King Herod asked them where the new Mesiah was born. They told him that the new Mesiah was born in the town of Bethlehem. King Herod caused to call the three kings and told them to go on with their journey to look for the newborn king and told them to let him know right away because he wanted to visit the newborn king and give him an offering, but in his inner desire was not to pay homage or worship the child but have him killed.
          The three kings left Jerusalem and again they saw the guiding star up to the entrance of the cave where the Mesiah was. They got near the infant child and knelt in worship and presented their gift of gold, myrrh and incense.
          On that evening, while the three kings were fast asleep. God told them in their dream not to go back to King Herod to tell him where the child was. In obedience, the three kings passed another way in their return home to avoid being seen by King Herod.
          Meanwhile, King Herod was so confident about the return to him of the three kings. However, King Herod’s long wait turned into anger because the three kings finally did not show up. Owing to that, King Herod ordered his solders to kill all the small boys in Bethlehem aged two years and below and by this, the newborn Jesus would also be killed.
          The solders left to carry out or implement the “heartless” and unreasonable king. They unmercilessly killed the sinless children.
          King Herod’s solders were not able to kill Jesus Christ because on the night before, Arcangel Gabriel appeared before Joseph and told him to bring the newborn baby and his mother to Egypt because King Herod wanted that the newborn boy be killed. Joseph got up and prepared to leave for Egypt. But before the Angel left, there were divine words left by him to Joseph to avoid the enemies. These are: “INSDUM INDUSUM PUCHAN PUSHAN GATFAEL GATSALIA TRAETE VIVAT DEUS SPIRITO SANCTO LUMEN CRISTE SANCTE DEUS MEDROAM LIENO ACO BERE REY DEL CIELO Y TIERRA SALVATORUM”. By this, Jesus was saved from the order and desire of King Herod to have all the very young boys in Bethlehem killed. 

 (23rd Series)

          When Jesus was only three years old, Joseph started teaching him the hidden knowledge of the Lord. He was first taught this prayer: “SPIRITUS SANCTI SALVATOR SAR MUNDI ECAM PATER DEUS AECAM ASTROS DEL MUNDO VAECAM SALVAME ELUM JUB ELIM JUCAC ENJEDRET VAITO SPIRITO SANCTI SALVAME VERAGA HECOA QUE HE OC ECAM VAICAM AEICAM ADONAY SANCTI EVE SALVAME.” That was the first prayer known by Jesus.
          While Jesus was growing up, he learned more hidden knowledge from his father Joseph, including self discipline.
          When Jesus was already twelve years old, he was brought by Joseph and Mary to Jerusalem to attend the fiesta. At that time all the Judes who had time and opportunity went yearly to Jerusalem for fiesta dedicated to celebrate the freedom of the Israelites from the enslaving custody or hands of the Egyptians.
          After Christmas, Joseph and Mary went back to Nazareth. They were with many of their relatives and friends. While walking, they were confident that Jesus was among the several others but when the night came, Jesus did not arrive home and he was nowhere to be found. They were in search for him and asked all their companions but not one of them saw Jesus. Jesus’ parents were troubled and bothered so much. So they went back to Jerusalem. They looked for Jesus for two days in Jerusalem but were in vain. On the3rd day, Joseph and Mary entered a temple to pray. There they saw Jesus in the company of the wise men and scholars who were all teachers and whose responsibility was to study laws and teach them to the people. The said teachers were all praises to the kind of questions asked them by Jesus and they could hardly believe that despite his age of twelve, Jesus was already in possession of such kind of knowledge, but it was not known to them (wise men) that Jesus had known hidden knowledge which he learned from his father Joseph. The following were the divine words used by Jesus while having discussions with the wise men or the Judah teachers: ‘ISEM IBAM ILAUM.”
          Joseph and Mary became extremely happy upon seeing Jesus, and because of that, Mary uttered: “DEUS MEUS JEOS JUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JERUSALEM” and Mary got near Jesus and in very low voice, politely said: “SON, WHY DID YOU LEAVE US, WE WERE SO SAD AND IN GRIEF.” Jesus answered like this to his mother: WHY DID YOU LOOK FOR ME, DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT I HAVE COME TO FULFILL THE COMMAND OF MY FATHER?”
          At the age of twelve years, Jesus begum talking or speaking in his being Son of God. However, this was not given attention to by his parents and kept it from the knowledge of others because they knew before hand that would be the beginning their son’s Calvary.
          After that, the story about Jesus is lost or not found in the Bible. Beginning at the age of thirteen years until the age of thirty years, there was no biblical account of the life of Jesus. Wise men and scholars were/are in search of the truth about this but they were/are in vain because the story was purposely kept because there is a specific right time that such will be made known to the whole Christiandom.
          In the succeeding series, the account of the 18 years of Jesus’ life story which is not told in the Bible will be discussed. 

 (24th Series)

          When Jesus was exactly 13 years old, Arkangel Gabriel again appeared before Joseph in his dream and was told this: “Joseph, it is very necessary that the boy should learn to knowledge that he must know. It is almost time for him to begin doing the mission given him by his Father in Heaven. Bring him to the Middle East outside Israel. In that place, there is a man who is so faithful to God. Leave the boy to him there for him to learn many things.
                   Not long afterwards, Joseph obeyed what the Angel has said. Joseph brought Jesus to the place pointed or referred to him. Upon arrival thereat, they came to know a man who was very well verse of the commandments of God especially the hidden knowledge of God. This man was the first man to write the life history of Jesus which we read in the bible. He is no other than Mathew or Saint Mathew in other Books.
          Mathew was a leader of a small organization. Like Joseph, he taught his people the hidden knowledge of God. He was trusted by God in many hidden things (knowledge). Jesus learned many things from Mathew. Mathew and Jesus became very close to each other.
          Mathew taught Jesus the origin of God’s power. It is recalled that in the early series of this revelation, we learned that God, before He created heaven and earth and many others, was alone and He felt so lonely. Owing to that condition, God medicated so deeply and soon afterwards there appeared five petals of flower on His right forehead. On every end of the petals, appeared letters which read “MARIA”. MARIA in Syrian dialect is Meriam which “flower” in Filipino language. Maria is not an ordinary flower both on earth and in heaven. In latin words, we read: “GUMAMELA CELIS MUNDUM ET CAELUM.”
                   Based on the story related by Mathew to Jesus, MARIA is the case of knowledge of God, the knowledge which is the origin of all knowledge of God. That is why MARIA is the sweetest to the Lord God. Also, until now there is a school in West Virginia (U.S.A.) named MERIAM COLLEGE OF MYSTERY where they teach how to make mysterious happenings and things.
          Another thing that Jesus has learned from Mathew is the story about the 10th planet which is DIES MUNDUS in latin words. In school, we have not learned that there is the 1-th planet. We learned the nine planets only. Today, we come to know that scientific learning wanted to erase in record the 9th. When this happens, only eight will be left to orbit around the sun including our planet earth. During the time of Jesus Christ, Mathew advanced the learning in the hidden knowledge. Accordingly, when God has not yet started doing anything, he used t o talk to MARIA. One time, God told Maria that he will go down to the most bottom to do something there. God told Maria to watch the case containing His power and knowledge and not to have it opened while He was away.

          So God left and went to the bottom of the endless outer space to make a world which He called AVIERNE in Latin words which is IMPIERNO in Filipino language. This means that IMPIERNO or AVIERNE was the first thing God has done before anything else. 

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